Monthly Newsletter
There are many ways to keep up to dates including by joining the Facebook page for Chatteris Parish Church. The best way to keep up to date is by subscribing to the Monthly e-newsletter sent to your inbox. You can find all the information in one email. It is full of good news stories and information about forthcoming events and groups for all ages.
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Next ALPHA group beings in October. Why not stay curious and give ALPHA a go? Book your place by filling out the form about and add ALPHA to your optional comment.
Bible Study
Connect groups are an opportunity to share and care for one another during life's ups and downs. We encourage everyone to connect in a weekly small group. They are a great place to meet others and make new friends.
If you are wanting to pray and read the Bible with others then we recommend the Thursday night group in the Bricstan Hall. The session starts at 7.30 pm so please arrive a few minutes early for coffee or tea. The group always welcomes new people to provide support and prayer for the rest of your week. It is a great way to deepen faith and understanding of the transforming power of God’s word at work in the church as well as in your everyday life.
It is suggested that you bring along your own Bible to use it during the discussion. If you don’t have a Bible, there will be some extra copies around for you to use as we learn together. We want to nurture confidence in reading and understanding God’s word.