Walk of Witness
9:30 am09:30

Walk of Witness

Calling all Christians in Chatteris to meet up at the town clock at 9.15 to begin at 9.30 AM. We will walk, sing, and pray for our town as we remember the cost of God’s love for us on that first GOOD Friday.

The walk is followed by a service for all ages at 10.00 AM.

All Welcome!

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7:30 am07:30


On Saturday 19th April at 7.30 PM The Bricstan Concert Band will bring your favourite films scores to life. It is sure to rouse thrilling memories of the big screen and cinema. With over forty instruments, it will be an experience not to be missed.

This is another ideal opportunity to introduce children to live music and encourage musical appreciation. Children under 16 accompanied by an adult are free. Come to support local musicians and enjoy an amazing community event.

Tickets: £10 at the door.

Doors open at 6.45 pm. Refreshments available by donation during the interval.

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Arts with God - Exploring the Word through the Arts
10:00 am10:00

Arts with God - Exploring the Word through the Arts


God is our creative Lord and, made in His image, He has given each of us gifts and talents that can be used to draw closer to Him and His Kingdom. So why not join us for something a bit different?

We are very excited to be organising Arts with God, where we will reflect on God’s Word through the Arts. We encourage you - you do not have to be arty to attend! With God-gifted professionals in their art attending and guiding you in workshops, there will be something for everyone.

Click here to find out more and to book your place.

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Light Up the Town!
6:00 pm18:00

Light Up the Town!

We are delighted to host Light Up The Town for Chatteris! It will be an illumination event not to be missed! This is a free event. Hot & Cold drinks available by donation. DROP IN ANYTIME between 6 - 8 pm. It is an outdoor event, so please dress warmly.

Come and connect with the community! Come and celebrate the creativity and beauty of Chatteris children as we LIGHT UP THE TOWN! The Art Work has been created by pupils at Cromwell Community College and also Chatteris Brownies and will be projected on to the church. Together with SDNA Moving Image, they’re working hand-in-hand to co-create vibrant light shows that will light up buildings for the whole community to enjoy!

Artwork being created by pupils at Cromwell College.

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Ash Wednesday Service
7:30 pm19:30

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us to prepare for Easter and mark the beginning of Lent. Lent is traditionally a time for fasting but whatever you do is up to you. As a Church we are challenged to fast and pray for our town and for our nation Let’s begin together on Ash Wednesday at 7.30 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be a short film about the 21 Egyptian Christian martyrs followed by some time for reflection, prayers, music and the imposition of ashes on foreheads.

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Pancake Party | Bring and Share
11:00 am11:00

Pancake Party | Bring and Share

Pancake flipping fun for all the family

Join us at our fun, family service for an introduction to Lent, a bit of pancake related madness, finished off by a family bring and share - with pancakes, of course!

Our bring and share lunches are always a great time of fellowship and laughter, so we hope you can join us.

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Christmas Eve Services
to 25 Dec

Christmas Eve Services

Services on Christmas Eve

4:00 PM - Nativity Family Service - we will be looking for animals, stars, shepherds, angels and Mary!

7:00 PM - The Catholics will be holding a service in the church

11:30 PM - Midnight Service of Holy Communion

Your invitation to see in Christmas Day

Everyone is welcome to celebrate this service of Holy Communion. The service starts at 11:30 PM and lasts about an hour. Please come early to get your seat. There is no charge but donations towards church funds are gratefully received.. A card machine will be available. There is no reserved seating. Please sit wherever you like.

The services itself includes traditional carols, prayer, a short talk and Communion at this late night service. We hope that you can join us.


10.30 AM - A Christmas celebration for all ages. All Welcome.

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Carols by Candlelight
7:00 pm19:00

Carols by Candlelight

Shine your Light!

The original Christmas story tells us how light overcomes the darkness to bring hope into our world.

Join us for a special Advent service of Carols with Candlelight when we sing traditional Carols and hear readings from the Christmas story. We also look forward to hearing from our special guests including the Chatteris Bricstan Concert Band and the Chatteris Community choir. It will be a wonderful occasion not to be missed. .

Donations for church funds will be gratefully received.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Concert: 12 Days of Christmas
7:00 pm19:00

Concert: 12 Days of Christmas

The Bricstan Concert Band presents their debut concert directed by Jamie Wilson . There are 28 members in this young band, with a range of brass, woodwind and percussion musicians for a lovely big sound. Come and enjoy some toe-tapping Christmas music and maybe even join in singing a carol if you wish. It is sure to be an enjoyable evening, not to be missed.

Tickets £10 at the door. Under 16s free.

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Christingle Service
4:00 pm16:00

Christingle Service


Christingle is our most popular annual event. It is for families and children of all ages.


A warm welcome to everyone who comes to the church. There is no need to book just turn up. You might want to arrive a bit early to get a good seat. We will sing songs and hear the original Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. Afterwards we will all collect a Christingle orange and candle which helps us to reflect on God’s light overcoming the darkness, as it shines into our hearts and town.


There is no cost to you but as always, we will take a donation for national charity, the Children’s Society. Please come prepared to make a donation.

If you are unable to make a donation on the day, you can donate here. Thank you for your support for this charity that fights for the hope and happiness of young people affected by abuse.

Remember to tie back long hair to keep safe when candles are lit. We look forward to celebrating with you all and making a difference for the children who need it most.

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7:30 pm19:30


We are pleased to welcome the return of Ely Consort on Saturday December 7th to perform a wonderful Christmas programme of chamber choral music by Haydn, Gjeilo, Mozart, Adam, Rachmaninov and Rutter together with the Ad Hoc Sinfonia, soprano soloist Ellie Bowers-Jolley and Anne Reece, piano.

The programme of music for the festive season will include Haydn’s ‘St Nicholas Mass’, a thrilling new piece ‘Dreamweaver’ from the ever-popular contemporary composer Ola Gjeilo and Rachmaninov’s ‘Bogorodiste Dyevo’. Ellie will sing familiar solos, including Mozart’s ‘Laudate Dominum’ and Adolphe Adam’s ‘O holy night’.

Of course, a Christmas concert would not be complete without familiar carols and some of John Rutter’s well-loved music; we will sing his ‘Shepherd’s Pipe Carol’ and ‘Nativity Carol’, in their versions with orchestral accompaniment.


Tickets are £20 with U18s free and can be purchased from Elizabeth’s Florist in Chatteris or online by clicking the button below.

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The Coat of Hopes
7:00 pm19:00

The Coat of Hopes

The Coat of Hopes

If you care about the environment, you may care to attend, to see and hear and handle the Coat of Hopes. All are welcome. There is no charge.

The Coat of Hopes has been travelling all across the country and is stopping in Chatteris as it walks from York to Norwich. They have reached this point only through the kind hospitality of very many communities before us. They will arrive from Pontersbridge and the following day will walk on to Ely.

The Coat's work in this ongoing pilgrimage is to offer everyone the invitation to stop, and in wearing it meet in our bodies both this climate emergency, and our connection to all those others who face it with us. It also carries in its fabric the stories of people and places encountered throughout this land.

More information can be found by following this link:


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CHATTERIS LIGHTS Christmas Tree Festival Open House
4:00 pm16:00

CHATTERIS LIGHTS Christmas Tree Festival Open House

Can’t wait for the Big Light Switch On! Once again, we will be hosting the popular Christmas Tree festival and Open House between 4 - 7 pm.

Come inside to see the beautifully decorated and lit up trees provided by various local community groups. It is a stunning show of lights and music. A warm welcome awaits. Hot drinks and mince pies are available. The Side Chapel is available with the Memory Tree and an area for quiet prayer.

The Musical line up is as follows:

4 - 5 PM: Claire Grant

5 - 6 PM: Chatteris Community Choir & Kingsfield School Choir

6 - 7 PM Chimezie Udechukwu

PLUS loads of beautiful Christmas trees, Hot Drinks, and a Prayer Area.


All Chatteris Charities and Community groups are invited to decorate a tree. There is no booking fee. We look forward to seeing how you decorate your tree this year. Every year we are are so impressed by your creativity!

So are you ready?! Check out the link below or click here to book your organization’s free space now. We can’t wait to see what our community puts together this year!:


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Christmas Craft and Food Fayre
9:30 am09:30

Christmas Craft and Food Fayre

Once again the Church is hosting the very popular Chatteris Christmas Craft & Food Fayre. With over 45 stalls, you will discover a huge selection and variety of hand made gifts which are sure to make Christmas for your loved ones very special. Come and find Christmas music with all the trimmings!

It is a super opportunity to support local business and always a popular community event not to be missed! The crowds swell until bursting around lunch time, but you may still catch a glimpse of Father Christmas if you are lucky.

Church members hope to provide vital support for church funds by serving refreshments in the Bricstan Hall, the tombola and raffle table as well as the popular Tower Tours with views over Chatteris. Fresh filter coffee, yummy cakes, and bacon rolls will be available. Come have a sit down and refuel in the Bricstan hall before setting off around the stalls again.

Thank you for your support!

Stall Holders - we are sorry but there are no more places. This is a popular event. Bookings for next year will open in March 2025.

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Remembrance Sunday Service
2:30 pm14:30

Remembrance Sunday Service

We will remember them. 

The Royal British Legion would like to invite you to attend the parade in front of the memorial followed by a special service of commemoration.

2:30 pm Parade and Laying of wreathes at the Memorial

3:00 pm Move into the church of a Service of Remembrance

4:00 pm Refreshments will follow the service in the Bricstan Hall

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Service of Comfort for those who have been Bereaved
2:30 pm14:30

Service of Comfort for those who have been Bereaved

Our annual special service of comfort which is to be held at Chatteris Parish Church on Sunday 6th November, beginning at 2.30 pm. This is a special service for remembering those we love and see no more. Many have said that they find it useful and some return for the service each year. This past year, funerals were affected by covid guidance and many could not gather. It may be that some will use this service as a time for gathering together as a family to reflect and give thanks for the times you had together.

During the service there will be an opportunity to hear names read aloud. All those who had a funeral arranged by us over this past year will be read out. If you would like to add a name to the list, please feel free to do so before the service begins. Someone will be at the door to take down name. Everyone will then be given a candle of remembrance to light during the service.

Following the service, refreshments will be served in the Bricstan hall and we hope you and your family will be able to stay for a cup of tea. We would also like to take this opportunity to let you know that you remain in our thoughts and prayers.

There is no need to reply to this letter, simply come along on the day.

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Light Party
4:00 pm16:00

Light Party

This event for children is a fun and safe alternative to trick or treating. There will be lots of activities, singing, games and eating! We are asking for £4 to help cover costs which include hot dogs for Tea (and vegan options), materials for activities and plenty of sweets. Children can come in fancy dress, or not, as they wish. The theme will focus will be on darkness and light and how the the light of Jesus overcomes our fears. Parents are asked to stay with their children. Register by following this link: 

Buy tickets – Light Party – Chatteris Parish Church (tickettailor.com)

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Poppy Appeal
7:00 pm19:00

Poppy Appeal

2024 Poppy Appeal Launch Concert in conjunction with Chatteris Salvation Army

Cambridge Citadel Band of The Salvation Army & Chatteris Community Choir

Doors 18:30 for prompt 19:00 start

Tickets £5 and available at Elizabeth’s Florists and The Old Bakery

All proceeds go to the Poppy Appeal. Registered Charity Number: 219279

For more information, contact the Chair of the Chatteris Royal British Legion:

Anne Wells: 07488 270230

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Summer Holiday Club
to 16 Aug

Summer Holiday Club

Join us for this fun packed week for ages 4-11 years. There will be craft, cooking, games, music and more! Sessions will run all week, Monday to Friday, with doors opening for registration at 9:30am, for a 9:45am start. With pick up at noon, that’s one full morning! Booking is now open on our website.

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Chatteris Flower Festival
to 5 Jun

Chatteris Flower Festival

In partnership with Chatteris In Bloom, we are pleased to announce plans for the annual Chatteris Flower Festival. The theme for this year is Olympics. There will be a prize for the best flower arrangement. Saturday will include refreshments served inside the Bricstan Hall. funds will be gratefully received.

Booking a Display?

Please contact Anne Wells if you would like to book a window or pedestal. Anne's phone number is 07488 270230 or email: anne1956wells@gmail.com

We can’t wait!

Come and see the flowers. Entrance is free. Donations for church funds gratefully received.

FRIDAY 31st May 9 am - 4 pm , Doors open

Feel free to drop in any time doors are open.

SATURDAY 1st June 9 - 4 pm, Doors Open

10 - 2 pm: Refreshments including fresh coffee, tea and home baked cakes, will be available.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 3rd, 4th & 5th June - Church open 9 - 4 pm to drop in and view the flower displays.

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Ash Wednesday Service
6:00 pm18:00

Ash Wednesday Service

What is stronger than death? (Answer below)

Lent is a 40-day period of reflection leading up to Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. The word "lent" comes from the old English word lencten that means lengthen - referring to the season of spring and longer daytime. Christians use this season as a time of lament. As we lament all that is wrong in our lives, our community and our world, we prepare the way for God to work in us a spirit of repentance and healing.

Why not mark the beginning of Lent and get ashed? Come along at 6 pm on the 14th February and experience more of God's love for you. All welcome.

‘Love is stronger than death.’

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Pancake Party
4:00 pm16:00

Pancake Party

Let's get cooking! Run races, play games & eat pancakes! You might also learn something about the origin of Lent. All ages are welcome. To help cover costs please £5 per person at the door. Everyone welcome!

We look forward to seeing you. Please do book your place so we know how many to expect/cater for.


If you have any allergies or specific food requests, please email Janet on parishnurse@chatteris.org

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7:00 pm19:00


Stay curious. Try Alpha.

Alpha is for the open minded, the curious and for those who want to explore a little more about what life is all about. We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore their spiritual questions, the Christian faith, and share their point of view. Alpha is for everyone, no matter your background or beliefs. Whether you’re new to exploring faith or simply open-minded about it all, Alpha is for you!

What happens on an ALPHA evening?
7:00 pm - start in the Bricstan Hall. Dinner will be served! Grab a glass of wine and join us for a meal. Afterwards there will be a short 20 minute film shown followed by an opportunity to respond. That’s it. Every week we cover a new topic and over the course of 11 weeks, new new friendships are formed. Why not join us?

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

email Wendy or events@chatteris.org to book your place.

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Games Night
3:30 pm15:30

Games Night

There will be games for all ages laid out on the tables with Game Masters to assist. Come on your own or come with others to play along.

If you have a board game of your own you would like to bring along, please do!

Food will be served including Jacket Potatoes and Chile with mince and veggie options.

Booking will be required so we know about numbers. Please fill in your ticket requests here: https://forms.gle/YgLfPXXRPZiMJSqh8 and payment will be taken at the door.

Additionally, if anyone has special dietary requirements or allergies, please contact Janet at parishnurse@chatteris.org

Suggested donation of £5 for adults and £3 for children on the door to cover the cost of the food provided.

We look forward to seeing you!

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7:00 pm19:00

Candlelight Carol Service

This Christmas… Shine your light!

Chatteris residents are invited to the annual Advent service of Carols with Candlelight. It is a magical time as we will sing traditional Carols and hear readings from the Christmas story.

This year we will enjoy special guests including the Chatteris & Manea Silver Band and the Chatteris community choir along with our own church group. It will be a wonderful gathering for the whole town.

Donations for church funds will be gratefully received. Donations can be made with cash or by card at the door. Please support your local church so we can continue to serve the needs of our town.

Recommended to arrive early to get your seat as this is a popular event. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Concert of Hope
7:00 pm19:00

Concert of Hope

Chatteris Parish Church will be the setting for “Concert of Hope”, an evening of uplifting musical entertainment, a charitable event in aid of Hospices of Hope ( for Nadvirna, the First Children’s Hospice in Ukraine

https://hospicesofhope.co.uk/locations/ukraine/ and

East Anglia Children’s Hospice for the children’s hospice in Milton, Cambridgeshire.


All proceeds from the Concert will be divided between these charities.

TICKETS £10 each

Tickets are now available. You will be able to buy tickets from the following places:

  • Elizabeth’s Florists

  • Online Tickets and extra donations can be made by following this link on Eventbrite


Professional musicians of international repute have generously offered their services freely to help our cause and to give us all a wonderful opportunity to listen to fine music in Chatteris Church.

We invite you, your families and friends to join us, the perfect way to begin our celebration of Christmas.

The entertainment will begin with a jazz duo for piano and guitar. Eileanora & Tap will present a lively programme of Jazz, Swing and Boogie Woogie.

Eileanora, a talented pianist and singer was initially taught by the nuns in County Cork where she grew up. After University she gave solo performances in Scandinavia, The Middle East, Portugal and Germany


Alessandro Cortello, a celebrated Italian tenor has given solo performances in the finest opera houses, concert halls, cathedrals and chapels in Europe often singing alongside the greatest, such as Placido Domingo, Zubin Mehta and many others.

We look forward to some operatic treats from Alessandro in the second half of the Concert.



Alessandro will be joined by a highly acclaimed soprano, Alina Rybina who graduated from the National Music Academy in Odessa, Ukraine.

Alina took an opera course at Morley College, London. Next year she plans to do an internship at an opera studio at The Royal Academy.


Alessandro and Alina will be accompanied by Ralph Woodward, an organist, pianist and composer who has given performances in Europe and the USA.

Ralph is Musical Director of the Fairhaven Singers and is Interim Director of Music at King's College, Cambridge.

This is a Concert not to be missed!

We are expecting a full house.

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Ely Consort Concert: 'Sing Joyfully'
7:00 pm19:00

Ely Consort Concert: 'Sing Joyfully'

We are pleased to welcome the return of Ely Consort on Saturday November 25th with another programme of fine choral music. ‘Sing Joyfully’ is the title of an anthem by the English Tudor composer William Byrd; 2023 is the 400th anniversary of his death, and also that of his contemporary Thomas Weelkes.

The first half of our programme features a selection of pieces by both composers, covering both the deeply expressive and the joyful aspects of their music. We contrast the Tudor pieces with an incredible piece for eight-part choir by the contemporary composer Jonathan Dove. Although written recently, ‘Vadam et circuibo civitatem’ also has its roots in the sixteenth century; it is a re-imagining of a piece by Tomas Luis de Victoria, the greatest Spanish composer of the renaissance.

In the second half of the concert, we change era to the late nineteenth century, singing the choruses from Brahms’s incredible ‘German Requiem’, one of the most powerful pieces of choral music ever written.

We will be accompanied in this performance by a splendid new piano duet transcription of the orchestral accompaniment, played by our regular accompanist, Anne Reece, who is joined by Christopher Moore. Anne will also play piano solos by John Ireland in the first half of the concert.


Tickets are £15 and can be purchased from Elizabeth's Florist in Chatteris, online at

www.ticketsource.co.uk/elyconsort or on the door at £18 on the night, U18s free.

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Chatteris Christmas Craft Fayre
9:30 am09:30

Chatteris Christmas Craft Fayre

We are once again hosting the popular Chatteris Christmas Craft Fayre. There will be tables set out with loads of beautifully made gifts, which are sure to make Christmas for your loved ones really special. It is also a great opportunity to support local business during this Christmas season, it’s an event not to be missed.

Refreshments will be served by Church members in the Bricstan Hall. Come and have a sit down and enjoy a hot bacon butty or a slice of homemade cake with your coffee.

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Bereavement Service
2:30 pm14:30

Bereavement Service

Our annual special service of comfort will be held at Chatteris Parish Church on Sunday 5th November at 2.30 pm. This is a special service for remembering those we love and see no more. Many have said that they find it useful and some return for the service each year. It may be that some will use this service as a time for gathering as a family to reflect and give thanks for the times you had together.

During the service there will be an opportunity to hear names read aloud. All those who had a funeral arranged by us over this past year will be read out. If you would like to add a name to the list, please feel free to do so before the service begins. Someone will be at the door to take down names. Everyone will then be given a candle of remembrance to light during the service.

Following the service, refreshments will be served in the Bricstan hall, and we hope you and your family will be able to stay for a cup of tea.
There is no need to book, simply come along on the day.

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Light Party
3:30 pm15:30

Light Party

Join us for games, music, hot dogs and all sorts of other great activities. The whole family is invited to join in as we have some intergenerational fun; it will not be an occasion to miss. Feel free to dress up or not. We will explore the light and dark and show how Jesus is the light which brings comfort and hope in a dark world.


Feel free to arrive anytime between 3.30 and 4 pm. Doors open at 3.30 pm for registration. Tables will be laid out with crafts and refreshments. Feel free to roam around to see what you would like to try. Adults are asked to stay with the child/children in their care for the entirety of the event. There will be forms at the door that you will need to fill in before the party. Photo permission forms and any food allergies.


John is based in Cambridgeshire and travels widely to provide interactive activities for many different Churches, schools, and organizations, He is a storyteller, singer, songwriter and musician, puppeteer, juggler, writer of scripts and resource books. Formerly the leader of the Saltmine Children's Team, john has written many of the resources used for holiday clubs in Chatteris.

John also loves coming home to pie and chips! More information about John can be found Here


Please book you place for £ 3.50 (below) to let us know you are coming.

Suggested donation £3.50 each at the door to help us cover costs.


We will serve hotdogs for tea (pork sausages in finger rolls) along with crisps, sweets, ice cream and refreshments. We would ask that if your child has a food allergy/intolerance that you email Janet in advance - parishnurse@chatteris.org beforehand so she is aware. We can only be prepared to cater for special diets (eg. vegetarian) if we know ahead of time. Thank you!

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